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The Area's Largest Agriculture Exposition Is Coming Back To The Centurylink Center-Omaha Feb 28-March 1, 2018

10 Sep 2023

imageOne of the Midwest's premier indoor farm events, the TRIUMPH OF AGRICULTURE EXPOSITION will be held Feb 28-March 1, 2018 at the CenturyLink Center - Omaha, 10th and Capitol Avenue, just off I-480. The 52nd Annual Farm and Ranch Machinery Show will once again be filled with the latest agricultural innovations, equipment and supplies with more than 900 exhibits for farmers, ranchers, and their wives to visit all on one level of over 200,000 square feet in the state-of-the-art CenturyLink Center - Omaha.

"It's an excellent opportunity to see all types of Short-Line farm equipment, new products, labor and time saving ideas all under one roof," says Bob Mancuso, Jr., the Show's Producer. "The Triumph of Ag Expo is the best place for farmers to find answers for what they do control while taking advantage of the new technologies at the Expo - ranging from machinery to new plant varieties that are available." The Farm Show is open 9 AM to 4 PM on Wed and 9 AM to 3 PM on Thurs. Advance free admission tickets can be obtained from Exhibitors, County Extension agents, farm machinery and equipment dealers or at the CenturyLink Center - Omaha door. This is an ideal time for area Farm Operators to find ways to improve productivity and increase profits, before spring field work begins.

Brent Pohlman from Midwest Laboratories, Show Councilman, says he's looking for a great Show at the CenturyLink Center Omaha and says, "The Triumph of Ag Expo is always packed with lots of new improvements and helpful information." At no other time this spring will area Farm Operators be able to see this much farm equipment and technology on display. The Triumph of Ag Expo offers visitors a hands-on experience with continuous demonstrations so those attending will be able to compare and evaluate quickly and conveniently, all under one roof, in one location, and on one level with over 4,500 on-site parking available.

Regarded as one of the largest indoor diversified short-line farm machinery shows, Ben Hellbusch, from Busch Equipment of Columbus, Nebraska and Council Board Member said, "The Expo has something for every kind of farm operation," including tillage equipment, planters, monitor and control systems, soil testing equipment, mowers, cattle chutes, augers, fertilizers, various seed hybrids, feeders, tanks and pumps, hay moving and handling equipment, plows, combines, computers and software, tractors, and many more agricultural products and services for today's farmers and ranchers.

Bob Mancuso, Jr., said if you are interested in agriculture and farming, this year's Expo is the place to be on Feb 28-March 1, 2018. In addition to all of the latest equipment, products, and services - there will be seminars throughout the Show, craft items and displays, antique farm tractors and equipment, and special programs. The Triumph of Ag Expo is a charter member of the North American Farm Show Council – the Top 25 shows in North America!

THE TRIUMPH OF AGRICULTURE EXPOSITION FARM & RANCH MACHINERY SHOW is produced by Mid-America Expositions, Inc. and is sponsored by the Mid-America Farm & Ranch Machinery Council.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Bob Mancuso, Jr., Director of Exhibits
Mid-America Expositions, Inc.
7015 Spring Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68106-3518
Office (402) 346-8003 Fax (402) 346-5412


EXHIBITION SHOW HOURS:Wednesday, Feb 28, 20189 AM – 4 PM
 Thursday, March 1, 20189 AM – 3 PM

LOCATION:CenturyLink Center - Omaha
455 N 10th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
PRODUCED BY:Mid-America Expositions, Inc.
7015 SPRING ST, OMAHA, NE 68106-3518
(402) 346-8003 FAX: (402) 346-5412 (800) 475 - SHOW


402.346.8003 // www.showofficeonline.com



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