Calmer Corn Heads display worlds first 30 row corn head at Decatur Farm Progress Show, Lot #621
Marion Calmer, inventor and CEO of Calmer Corn Heads, and the team have done it even bigger for 2013. Calmer Corn Heads will display the world’s first 30 row corn head. That is 30-12 inch rows! Guinness Book of World Records has been contacted to record this as being the largest number of rows ever assembled on a corn head. This corn head is also equipped with SUPER Calmer BT Chopper Hydraulic Plate Trash Reduction/Decomposition Kits. A History of “world’s firsts” have been displayed by Calmer throughout the years at the Farm Progress Shows. In 2002 Calmer introduced the world’s first 15” corn head, a 16 row-15”. In 2009 Calmer introduced the largest 15” corn head, a 24 row-15” corn head. In 2010 the world’s first chopping/shearing stalk roll that processes the corn stalk into pieces 1” long that are also shredded was introduced at the Farm Progress Show. In 2012, the world’s first 12” corn head was one of the main attractions at the Boone Farm Progress Show.
Marion’s experience demonstrates that equidistant spacing between plants improves light interception and yield potential while a denser canopy reduces erosion and weed control costs. Calmer Corn Heads specializes in manufacturing corn heads for narrow row corn and looks forward to meeting producer’s growing needs for futuristic corn heads.
Calmer Corn Heads • (309) 629-9000 •