The concept of the Nurturite product line revolves around using emulsified silicone to treat forages. The goal with First Response is to allow the user greater tolerance to moisture; it’s used at the baler and can be applied as a replacement for prop acid, allowing users to bale hay at higher moistures without dealing with the typical issues they would have with mold and heating (see photos in ad below). The treated cost per ton is lower than prop acid on high moisture hay and the product is not corrosive and will not negatively affect the flavor or smell of the hay.
Raincoat is applied at the swather, designed to provide protection for your forage in the windrow as well. The potential benefits include increased dry matter retention, higher relative feed value due to increased leaf retention (leafy legumes), protection for alfalfa subjected to rain and/or dew and prevention of mold (all forages). Applicators have been created specifically to work with the unique demands this product line brings to application, or you can purchase add-on kits that allow the product to work with existing systems. This silicone based product line recently won the 2010 Idaho Commercialized Innovation Award.
The Nurturite product line also has a couple of silage product available. Silage PT is a fermentation enhancing enzyme based silage treatment. It is easier to use than traditional bacterial based treatments as there is nothing to kill. You know exactly what you will get for efficacy in every use. It is particularly effective in high moisture silage. Silage PT inhibits negative bacteria growth and clostridial growth. Silage Si is a combination of fermentation enhancing enzymes and silicone designed to improve the fermentation process as well as limit the loss due to oxidation. Silage Si is unique in that it protects silages under both high and low moisture conditions offering the grower a greater range of consistency over a wider range of moistures. The silicone in Silage Si prevents mold and heating while the enzyme suppresses negative bacteria and clostridial growth. Both concepts cover a wide spectrum of silages including corn silage, haylage, grass silage as well as high moisture corn.